The purpose of the K2BW Series, is to educate and empower our community by providing key and valuable tools necessary and needed to build personal wealth, generational wealth, and community wealth. We provide these tools using educational programs, seminars, workshops, live events and technology based systems.
People of color have been historically disadvantaged from acquiring this knowledge and the tools necessary to build the desired wealth.
Wealth is the sum of families’ assets, including savings, stocks and home ownership. It is different from income, which refers to the stream of money a family makes from employment or from entrepreneurship. Racial wealth gaps are extreme, but now also show that there is a large racial gap in the transmission of wealth across generations.
“Today’s racial wealth gaps reflect two processes: One historical—this country’s long legacy of actively excluding African-Americans from asset ownership beginning with slavery, and the second contemporary—there are still processes that continue to hinder asset accumulation among nonwhite families, even those that come from wealthier families.”